Wolf River Amateur Radio Club
Parks-on-the-Air Activations
Many of our members enjoy getting together to enjoy activating and hunting Parks-on-the-Air. It is a great time to sit with an Elmer and learn how to make contacts in-state or worldwide depending on the band conditions. It is also a great way to spend time with club members and build long-lasting friendships. Anyone is welcome to join us on our next POTA adventure...check back to this page regularly to see when and where our next adventure takes us!
Park # US-9815
Tomorrow River State Trail- Ogdensburg, WI
The Tomorrow River State Trail has multiple locations for operators to activate at. The spot in Ogdensburg, WI, is a beautiful, large area and relatively quietly secluded from traffic. It allows for several operators to operate in approximately 500-1000 sq. ft radius and works great for POTA or Field Day!
WIPOTA -- Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024
Five members of the Wolf River Amateur Radio Club activated in Ogdensburg in Park US-9815 for the 2024 WIPOTA activation on 15M, 20M, and 40M on both FT8 and SSB.